Human Yes, Adult maybe

Human Yes, Adult maybe

Hello, Fellow Humans!

Today I don’t want to be an adult. I have so many things on my list to do 😦 sniff It’s nevereding

I have been so busy lately packing the house for moving and now that we moved I have to unpack everything and clean everything and sort out the house :/ Yes its a big  job, but I am happy here and I have a better enviroment to live and above all I have my pets that I missed in that course of that year. So I might not want to be an adult today, but being one means that I get to have a cleaner house, my art is going to be framed, my cyanotype is going to be finished, my exhibition proposal is gping to be finished so I can present ti tomorrow to the gallery, the dog is going to be walked and I am going to be exausted but happy.

Stay awesome Humans

It’s My Pleasure

It’s My Pleasure

Anxiety and Sandness creeping behind me

A cloud of blackness is hanging on my shoulders

Waiting for a moment of weakness

Waiting to fall down

Waiting to say take me

NO! Take me it’s not the answer

It’s me pleasure to break them down

Anxiety and sadness are waiting

I am running towards happiness

They get smaller and smaller

I get bigger and bigger

It’s my pleasure to prove them I am not weak

It’s my pleasure to welcome life again.