When you are fat and make excuses…

When you are fat and make excuses…

Hello Humans,

How are you doing?

Haven’t been long since I wrote here which is amazing because I am keeping the promise to myself of keep writing. Anyway I wanted o make fun of myself and the excuses I keep telling myself also I wanted to be a little inspirational at the same time. So I hope this post will be as awesome as it is in my head. 

You know you just wake up some days and you feel so fat, and the first thing you say to yourself is I am so bloated, it must be the beans on the pizza I ate last night! Like ya, it’s the legumes, not the 2 pizzas you consumed last night making you feel guilty and fat. 

Honestly I didn’t eat the two pizzas but I have done in the past. I did eat though nachos with beans and it is really hard when you call yourself fat because you are a size 12 because I know deep down that I am not fat ( maybe a little) but my head is not happy. 

I came to realize that all the excuses that I was keep saying to myself in these 6 years I gained 20kg. That’s a lot, and my goal for the next 12 weeks is not to lose kilos because that is not important but to get fit and start loving my body as is again. 

Us women and men we need to start learning how to love ourselves first before we try to be thin, fat, fit and have emotions. I know it is hard to try and fit in society and make excuses how you look today. Like yeah I am bloated and fat at the same time what does it matter; I am working on my problems one at a time. 

So, I hope you follow my journey of me complaining and trying my best to change my lifestyle. You can join as well and we can motivate each other. 

What is your experience with body issues would love to know!

Choices we make

Choices we make

Hello Humans,

How you doing?

I am lost in the universe of being an adult and saving money to buy a house because that’s the responsible thing to do.

You see I do believe in choices we make and what path we are heading; I chose to get married and try to buy a house and in the future starting a family. I consider myself lucky enough to have found my soul mate that makes want to settle down. I chose this life no one forces me to do all those things. 

Have you ever thought how all the choices we make  impact our life’s so much that we see the results many months later or even years. The choice that I made or should I say my mum made to send to New Zealand for a better life and a better relationship with my father changed the course of the rest of my life. I know it sounds dramatic , but it is true I am a completely different person 6 years later and I love my mum so much for doing this for me because it made an awesome girl out of me. I am strong independent, found the love of my life experienced things I would never have in Greece and above all it made me love life more than ever. I am surround by amazing people and I have an amazing job that full fills me and nailing my goals in life. Well, most of them anyway. I am not fit and my bones hurts every-time I walk because I am not taking care of myself as much I should, but it is a choice that I made and I am about to change for me. 

The question is did you make a choice that impact your life that much?

PS. It hasn’t been an easy journey, also, I hope my positivity brings some light to some and help them make a better choice for them. 

Also Also I am making the choice to get back to my other loves like writing here and taking care of me.

Stay awesome Humans