Books and sequels!

Books and sequels!

Hello lifers,

I am here to bring up a serious matter books! You know when the book is good and you wanna finish it but at the same time not because it’s gonna end. Especially when the second book come in a few months. I mean come authors don’t do this to us. Us peasants want to read all of the series in one go. We know it is our mistake to read books that series haven’t finished yet , but still we gonna blame you that you are not releasing the books fast enough.

Am I being unreasonable? That would be Yes! Do I care? Nope!

Seriously though it is so rare for me now to read books that simply blow my mind and get my heart all beating fast. I don’t love cliffhanger but this book didn’t even finish in a big cliffhanger seriously I could have said meh don’t care , but the way it was written just broke my heart reading the last sentence.

I need an army of angry readers to come and comfort me in the same problem! I have big book hang over can’t decide if I want to read it again or push through with more books.