the survival instict

the survival instict

you often ask yourself how the hell do people live like that? how do they survive?

when common logic is thrown out of the window you suddenly realize how dangerous is life.

being reckless is no fun! and certainly is no joke when you toying with someone else life. you wonder why people act the way they do? I know people suffer from their own problems but have the decency to be careful while you drive.

The past few days I saw so many people going against the law and being dangerous not only for themselves and others.

You wonder if these people survive base on the survival instinct alone?

I mean the only behavior can come close are animalistic behavior but even then animals are more civilized than some humans.

I feel shaken by peoples driving here because there is no law that they uphold and when those people go to a country that the law is enforced they get a shock and blame the people that they are sheep and don’t live a little!

How dare they! If I wanted a dateline rush I will do skydiving but I will not put myself and others in danger of reckless driving. Because truly that action is selfish.


Ok, Rant over! Let me know though your thoughts! love to hear them!