How to take care of yourself! (Humour)

How to take care of yourself! (Humour)

Hello lifers,

In this post you will find a way to take care of yourself!

Step 1:

Congratulations, you did it! You done the first step of taking care of yourself, by looking how too, rest assured there is nothing else to do. Kidding keep reading.

Step 2:

Find someone like me that has no clue either how to take care of herself so you can go all together in blind and figure it out.

Step 3:

If I haven’t lost you as a reader then , hello my friend we reached into one of the most important steps. Master the face of zero fucks. Once you master the face your brain will catch up with the idea sooner or later and then you will give zero fucks. Literally about anything. Trust me, it is important. I found that by not caring about other people liberates you for the social structure to please assholes!

Step 4:

Now that the burden of pleasing others is gone, you can move deeper into the level of self-care. Trust me, I have no idea what I am talking to about but do it, it will work. Alright step 4 make sure you have schedule or perseverance. Why? Because sometimes taking care of yourself doesn’t come easily so you need to make an appointment with yourself or tell yourself to fuck off when your mind tries to convince you to hide under the table.

Step 5:

Self care doesn’t only consist scheduling the time but actually doing the nitty gritty work of feeling like shit and coming through it! I know so basic but let me tell you taking vitamins and eating salads wont change the feeling you got in your head. Self care comes from the mind, heart and body. So, going for walks in nature, calling your friends for support, yelling at the world yes I have a problem and it’s ok because really, it is ok.

Step 6:

Now you admitted to yourself that you are not ok and you need to do something about it. you read this ridiculous post, involved your friends and family, joined the gym start eating healthy all the above of self care. You just need one thing to succeed. Dedication. Everyday you think you can’t do it. look yourself in the mirror and say you are a magnificent beast and you can do this by only keeping at it.

I know this post is more humour than anything else but I would like to say that I am doing the things and I said there and I am succeeding in my goals, slowly but I am doing it for me.

So get out and do it!

Punish Thyself/trick thyself to happiness

Punish Thyself/trick thyself to happiness

Hello lifers,

The title seems a little ominous but don’t ya worry it’s a bit more positive than it sounds. or it?

This post is about self discovery and revelation of thyself and really thinking hard about what kind of punishment there is to give to myself where I am not harming me.

I guess it sounds negative, but my mind often want to fuck out on me. My mind wants to give up and it’s so easy to say I give up, but I don’t want to go there again. I am fighting with my brain to slow down and relax; can it relax? No, I always have to be doing the next big thing always moving forward, always working too much and then shutting myself down from the loved ones.

Honestly, I was having a serious conversation with myself and I was saying I want to punish you for being like this. I want to punish you by working out and going out with friends and I want you to know that we should stop giving a fuck about others. Is this punishment? probably not; it’s a more proactive way to get away from that negative space in my head and include my clan around me.

I do want to punish myself though I often think about it and I am sad and the only way I know to punish myself so my mind stops being so full on is to work out. On the workout I hate myself but afterwards I am riding cloud nine. So yeah punish yourself by taking care of yourself. oxymoron I know , but in my head I am full-filling two things I need.

so maybe trick thyself to goodness.

What you do when you are down?