Have you ever rage-quit a job? NaBloMoPo

Have you ever rage-quit a job? NaBloMoPo

Have I? I am afraid not. No matter how much I hated some of my bosses I always felt sorry for them and stayed there. Saying that though I have left work always on good terms. I hate fighting and I leave in a small town and good manners help otherwise bad rumors might come and I cannot afford mistakes.



My top five series NaBloPoMo

My top five series NaBloPoMo

  1. The Flash

If  you haven’t seen this I will say to you Come on! Really? Really? Not cool. The flash is a fluffy marshmallow that makes you day better with the geeky jokes and a time paradox that will scramble your mind.

2. Once upon a time

I have spent way too much watching this show and invested a lot of time and I will get upset If something bad happens to the show.

3. New Girl

I believe it is better than friends, yes I said it BETTER!!!! Funny modern it makes you relate to it.

4. House

Who doesn’t like medical series with a sprinkle of asshole in them; Funny, clever and I get to learn about medical stuff that explains it and goes through a thinking process.

5. Super Girl

I believe it’s like flash in a female figure. I like to see a female heroine for once that kick butts.

No way I can Catch up NABLOPOMO 17-18-19-20

No way I can Catch up NABLOPOMO 17-18-19-20

Hi everybody,

I get excited when writing comes in my way, but I have spread myself too thin I am afraid and it is eating my energy. Writing for Nablopomo and joining for NaNoWriMo and writing for my blog trying to do art and writing for other blogs, doing my art meanwhile looking for a job and renovating a house. AH! Breath in breath out. So yes I am busy but good busy.

I would like to say more writing will come. I am very very tired and brain drained and have no inspiration. So I will give myself time to refresh and find more things to write about. SO yeah! I will be coming back soon like tomorrow probably.


The flash NABLOPOMO 16

The flash NABLOPOMO 16

When you binge two seasons of flash and then it finishes like that you are like: nooooo Flash you going to fuck it up again. You going to change the timelines and you just wait and wait till the new season comes out and watch it week by week like a common peasant. Yes, you heard me there no turning back with the pudding called the Flash.

Me in the 2016 NABLOPOMO 14

Me in the 2016 NABLOPOMO 14

Hi 2016 me,

Yes, I know you were scared and had panic attacks and you weren’t good in your headspace. 2016 was stressful. You managed to find yourself again. You went on adventures you even manage to speak your mind.

2016 me I know you might think I am weak, but I have accomplished so much and still going strong.

2016 me do not give up on your dreams even if it seems you going nowhere.