When I grow up!

When I grow up!

I always say let’s listen to the grown up they might know a little bit about life! 

They response is you are a grown up! 

The answer I give is I am not grown up grown up yet! I haven’t got kids! 

Is this the breaking point of being an actual grown up? Or is one point in your life that you say I need to stop fucking around and I need to do something all grown up do; know what I am supposed to do in life and earn a lot of money? 

Here is the thing though I don’t really care about money. I just want an easy going life that I am able to do things without being judged and being expected that I was meant to do more with my life.

So I choose not to be a grown up! I am 24 and I am aloud to figure things out even if they don’t look good on my CV.