Working since 13

Working since 13

So I have been working since I was 13 and now I plan to quit my job and I am not going to work for 4 months. I feel embarrassed for not wanting to work and take a break to figure things out.

( I will be renovating the house on my own tho, so I am not lazy)

My friend from work asked me:

Did you find a job?


Are you pregnant?

I thought, do I look pregnant and I am not.

then she said are you getting married?

No, my mum is coming and then taking break and then start working again.

I honestly, I am so excited for this huge time off.

2016 Book list

2016 Book list


So I decided for 2016 to read 25 books, which a lot are classics. This year had been challenging for me so for 2016 I want to feel it with fantasy worlds.

This is my list, hopefully the link works.

I am excited. Tell me what you think about the list should I read something else?

By the way, I have updated my password a million times. Please brain stop forgetting the passwords.

PS. Should I review the books on the blog ?

What are you passionate about?

What are you passionate about?

Such a hard question. Everyone has been asking me what I am going to to do now that I finished art school; and the only answer is work.

Where ? like a design job? or do your own business?

As much as I like this miracle to happen( by saying miracle, I mean quit my job and focus on my business) I actually want to work. I have a million plus in my head, but I am stressing out that I can’t full fill them because I actually don’t have time.

Am I passionate about something?

Yes, I am passionate about life, my life. It might be boring to some, but I choose to lead it that way.

Passion is something that is built on. I feel reward is passion. That reward can be from work, from family, from your blog, anything that you have feelings for.

Passion is a feeling.

SO no I am not boring, yes I do have plans in my life and no I am not in a hurry I am only 23.

Tea cups

Tea cups

Hello everyone,

it is a little weird after 2 weeks of writing poems I getting back to writing and finding my own prompts.

So my secret is out… I love buying tea cups.

You know those people that collect Santas I am going to be that person only with tea cups. I have to stop myself not buy them because I can spend a lot of money.

I feel like a nana liking tea cups so much, but there are so delicate and beautiful and you can use them.

What’s your weird collection?

Ps. If anyone has the urge to send me tea cups go ahead I want stop you 😛