Insanity letter to me -insanity?

Insanity letter to me -insanity?

Hello humans,

Since I started writing here and admitting obsessive thoughts and feelings I started feeling a little better than before. That insanity feeling that I had about a month ago is gone.

Talking with my friends and family made me realise that those feelings were normal because it’s not just me feeling the world is going to collapse on top of my head. There are so many people out there that have the anxiety and these strange times.

I would like to say that you are not alone feeling insane all the time and have those feelings. Also, would like to make sure that you know it is ok to feel insane. we are humans and we are entitled to not feeling okay all the time, absolutely normal not to feel happy and cheery there are other feelings that exist not just positive but we have negative we need to accept them as they are because this is what makes assume even if that sometimes represents us as insane.

Please free to share your insane moments with me because we’re always in this together, in these unsettling times and it’s good to stick together all of us insane people.

Insanity letters to myself Letter 1-Happy monsterating

Insanity letters to myself Letter 1-Happy monsterating

Dear me,

The insanity of wanting something so much and then not getting it is heartbreaking.

Let me back up first so everybody get a context of what I am talking about. Motherhood, at some point a lot of women wants to be mothers, but not all are lucky enough to get pregnant straight away or not at all some times. Some have it experienced it and be heart broken each month when you see that all the symptoms you were having and thinking you were pregnant is just a bad case of the worst PMS of history again.

I am one of those women. I am not disappointed that I entered my shark week , but the anxiety of am or am I not before is ever wrecking. I talked about it too much with strangers that know me and I feel the pity in their eyes and the phrase “it will happen don’t worry”, it makes it all of a more heartbreaking.

So instead of going to a professional as I would normally do . I decided to write letters to myself of my feelings and weird psychological things I put myself to. Probably I am the most mondane person there is, but writing about it always helped me me more than talking it about it.

So here I am telling you sometimes monsterating is disappointing because you are not pregnant, but simply preparing for a new cycle.

I hope by writing those letters I would give a little lightness to the situation of trying to conceive and people will laugh, cry and be excited with me and maybe share your stories with me so we be in this together.

How to take care of yourself! (Humour)

How to take care of yourself! (Humour)

Hello lifers,

In this post you will find a way to take care of yourself!

Step 1:

Congratulations, you did it! You done the first step of taking care of yourself, by looking how too, rest assured there is nothing else to do. Kidding keep reading.

Step 2:

Find someone like me that has no clue either how to take care of herself so you can go all together in blind and figure it out.

Step 3:

If I haven’t lost you as a reader then , hello my friend we reached into one of the most important steps. Master the face of zero fucks. Once you master the face your brain will catch up with the idea sooner or later and then you will give zero fucks. Literally about anything. Trust me, it is important. I found that by not caring about other people liberates you for the social structure to please assholes!

Step 4:

Now that the burden of pleasing others is gone, you can move deeper into the level of self-care. Trust me, I have no idea what I am talking to about but do it, it will work. Alright step 4 make sure you have schedule or perseverance. Why? Because sometimes taking care of yourself doesn’t come easily so you need to make an appointment with yourself or tell yourself to fuck off when your mind tries to convince you to hide under the table.

Step 5:

Self care doesn’t only consist scheduling the time but actually doing the nitty gritty work of feeling like shit and coming through it! I know so basic but let me tell you taking vitamins and eating salads wont change the feeling you got in your head. Self care comes from the mind, heart and body. So, going for walks in nature, calling your friends for support, yelling at the world yes I have a problem and it’s ok because really, it is ok.

Step 6:

Now you admitted to yourself that you are not ok and you need to do something about it. you read this ridiculous post, involved your friends and family, joined the gym start eating healthy all the above of self care. You just need one thing to succeed. Dedication. Everyday you think you can’t do it. look yourself in the mirror and say you are a magnificent beast and you can do this by only keeping at it.

I know this post is more humour than anything else but I would like to say that I am doing the things and I said there and I am succeeding in my goals, slowly but I am doing it for me.

So get out and do it!

I started my training!

I started my training!

Hello humans,

How is it going?

I am good, too tired for this, but I made a promise to myself to write here and see how my progress is going slowly.

So I started the body boss guide pre-training because they recommend it if you haven’t done any exercise in a while or you are not up to HIIT training. 

Anyway, I died on the first day, honestly haven’t done HIIT in a very long time, my muscles were sore the next day. I felt it and it was only the pre-training. So, I finished the first week, I didn’t do the the active days that it was recommended, but my work is very active so I thought that should do it. For week 2 pre- training though I am going to follow it up to the dot and see the difference. I mean it really nice guide very nicely explained and doable.

That’s it for now, keep you posted in this lifestyle journey. 

PS. Did you try a guide was totally awesome let me know. 

Choices we make

Choices we make

Hello Humans,

How you doing?

I am lost in the universe of being an adult and saving money to buy a house because that’s the responsible thing to do.

You see I do believe in choices we make and what path we are heading; I chose to get married and try to buy a house and in the future starting a family. I consider myself lucky enough to have found my soul mate that makes want to settle down. I chose this life no one forces me to do all those things. 

Have you ever thought how all the choices we make  impact our life’s so much that we see the results many months later or even years. The choice that I made or should I say my mum made to send to New Zealand for a better life and a better relationship with my father changed the course of the rest of my life. I know it sounds dramatic , but it is true I am a completely different person 6 years later and I love my mum so much for doing this for me because it made an awesome girl out of me. I am strong independent, found the love of my life experienced things I would never have in Greece and above all it made me love life more than ever. I am surround by amazing people and I have an amazing job that full fills me and nailing my goals in life. Well, most of them anyway. I am not fit and my bones hurts every-time I walk because I am not taking care of myself as much I should, but it is a choice that I made and I am about to change for me. 

The question is did you make a choice that impact your life that much?

PS. It hasn’t been an easy journey, also, I hope my positivity brings some light to some and help them make a better choice for them. 

Also Also I am making the choice to get back to my other loves like writing here and taking care of me.

Stay awesome Humans

Why I love New Zealand(poem?)

Why I love New Zealand(poem?)

New Zealand doesn’t have fancy coffee shops

or fancy restaurants

or fancy hotels

New Zealand have people that go out  walk and talk

Smiles flying around from grown-ups, kids, and animals

emotions that have the full spectrum.

New Zealand that accepts all body types and mental illness

because you New Zealand are cool as.


Hello, people of the world,

that was the lamest poem, I was going for a spoken poem I don’t think I did it.

Anyway, going back to Greece for a few months and in Japan, for my Honeymoon, I saw little to no emotions.

In the first situation, I noticed so many people were angry and is understandable about the situation is going on at the moment. People were trying to pick a fight with everybody, nobody was smiling, eveyone was grumpy. And In japan no emotion in their faces at all. Just kept to themselves and looking at their phones. It was quite sad really, because they looked so lonely.

I am not here to judge, but merely saying what I saw. After my trip I came to New Zealand my home now and I had a walk down the street, I saw people walking and smiling, looking at my face and smilling back, saying goodmorning and i saw a lady being misarable and it was ok because yussss finally some emotions out there. Why do we have to be those people that show no emotion? I don’t find that strong I find weak.

So let’s keep the emotion rolling.

I hope you liked my rant/motivation of emotion rolling.

the survival instict

the survival instict

you often ask yourself how the hell do people live like that? how do they survive?

when common logic is thrown out of the window you suddenly realize how dangerous is life.

being reckless is no fun! and certainly is no joke when you toying with someone else life. you wonder why people act the way they do? I know people suffer from their own problems but have the decency to be careful while you drive.

The past few days I saw so many people going against the law and being dangerous not only for themselves and others.

You wonder if these people survive base on the survival instinct alone?

I mean the only behavior can come close are animalistic behavior but even then animals are more civilized than some humans.

I feel shaken by peoples driving here because there is no law that they uphold and when those people go to a country that the law is enforced they get a shock and blame the people that they are sheep and don’t live a little!

How dare they! If I wanted a dateline rush I will do skydiving but I will not put myself and others in danger of reckless driving. Because truly that action is selfish.


Ok, Rant over! Let me know though your thoughts! love to hear them!

Let’s talk about Self-Care

Let’s talk about Self-Care

20180222_220313_0001.pngHello Humans,

let’s talk about self-care. I am no expert here about self-care nor I claim that I found the solution of peace of mind and calm soul. But I have a fair share of trying to find myself, care myself and such.

I have to say it very very very hard to take care of yourself because you sometimes forget what’s important and what’s not! The must’s of everyday life come into focus on the wants.

Fellow humans, I am sorry to say this but the wants are very important; it is the things we want, keep us sane.

So don’t neglect those wants over musts.

For me is an everyday struggle to do things that I want rather than must and sometimes I try to balance my wanting to do things without forcing myself to do them so.

A very jumbled post but here it is, my insight to self-care.

LESSON OF THE DAY: Do something that you want and take a step back from all the musts of your everyday life. Because taking a break or a step back is moving forward.

Till next time,

Stay sane humans.

When Life gives you Lemons!

When Life gives you Lemons!

Hello Humans,


it has been a while but I am struggling with stress and personal issues but I thought today I should talk about bad things that happen to us. Otherwise, the lemons that life gives.

I always said when life gives you lemons make lemonade because they are expensive.

I often think that what if my life had me different easier, didn’t take my chances what would happen?


I don’t know what would happen but I have an odd feeling that I would be unhappy, I mean right now I am not thrilled with anything just overwhelmed than anything else.  Yes, life has played some tricks on me but taking advantage of those tricks and going with the flow I learned a lot of lessons and met great people along the way!

I think I would prefer to make lemonade than continuously throwing the lemons because of thats just a waste.

Probably didn’t make sense what I just said… If you did understand then welcome to the club 🙂

Doing That thing we wanted

Doing That thing we wanted

26857364_10215161543453933_1040331269_nHello Humans,

Do you remember last week you said to yourself I am going to go for a run today!

But you never went, because I don’t know you couldn’t be bothered to put your shoes on and instead you ate chips!

This was just an example but in many cases, it happens either is a run or to start a blog or whatever we desire.

Why do we sabotage ourselves?

I don’t know for you out there, but I am scared of failure. I always put it I can’t be bothered or I am too busy for this; I have this feeling though that I failed myself because I didn’t do it, obviously, I wanted to go for a run but my stupid brain was nah!

I need to learn to break the habit of just sitting back and doing nothing when I want to do something.

So 2018 I am coming with the determination of breaking the lazy brain habits 🙂

What about you? Would love to hear your experience!